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28th June 2024

I recently had the most disappointing gynecological visit I’ve ever experienced. During my first appointment, the consultation was extremely brief, and I felt that none of my concerns were genuinely listened to or addressed. I was simply referred for an ultrasound, which I had already decided was necessary. At the follow-up appointment, I was quickly informed that I had a cyst, but no additional information was provided about the next steps or what this diagnosis meant for my health. It felt as though my condition was deemed unimportant, and my presence was a nuisance. I ended up finding more helpful information through my own research on Google. Overall, I would not recommend this doctor. She does not listen to her patients, comes across as very rude, and I would not trust her with something as delicate as surgery.

6th May 2024

I saw Miss Omar as a private patient at the Blackheath Hospital. I had a very poor experience with her, to the extent that I requested to see another consultant going forward and would not recommend her at all. I saw her regarding problems with painful sex, vulval soreness and suspected endometriosis ongoing for about 8 years now. During the appointment I felt that she was not listening to me and did not ask the right questions. She is brusque and short with you when speaking. She performed a cursory examination on me and acknowledged that I had tightness of my pelvic floor and that there seemed to be inflammation, but could only offer a suggestion to use numbing gel during intercourse which may as well have been a recommendation to drink a glass of wine and grit my teeth. Any woman going through these problems will know the severe affect that this can have on our relationships and mental health, but she does not offer a sympathetic ear. Miss Omar offered no further suggestions, examinations or any sort of diagnosis during my appointment and misrepresented the consultation I had within the post appointment letter sent to my GP. If you note she has positive reviews on Doctify, well it seems that you can only leave her a review there if you are given a link to review so this seems to be swaying the reviews.

2nd June 2023

I went to see Miss Omar for a polyp removal. When I arrived at the hospital I saw her outside on her mobile. She called me in for my appointment early and I hadn’t even finished filling in my forms for the reception. She was very abrupt, did not let me speak and kept talking over me continuously and her mobile rang twice and she answered it whilst I was talking behind the curtain. She inserted the spectrum and then realised there were no more apparatus in her cupboard so she left me in the room with the spectrum inside me whilst she went to look for the apparatus. I don’t think she even told me to undress my bottom half or warn me the spectrum was going in and asking if I was comfortable which is pretty standard. I understood from the receptionist I was her last appointment of the day. Whilst I was filling in my forms after the appointment she was already off in her car leaving. Apart from the traumatic birth of my son, this is the worst medical appointment I have ever encountered. I hope she was rushing off for a medical emergency and then perhaps I’ll feel better about this appointment.

Written by a NHS patient at The Princess Royal University Hospital
5th September 2022

I have to agree with the previous review Miss Omar is indeed brusque and quite rude, totally unnecessary, would be interesting to know if Miss Omar addressing private patients in such a manner. Miss Omar had Not read the GP’s notes of why I was a fast tracked referral and after two minutes was getting ready to exit me, I explained that I was referred because of a polyp. A quick examination, the polyp was removed, no patient consent, no mention of this happening, no explanation of whether the polyp was to be sent off. Her follow up letter is equally rude & dismissive as her attitude in person. I thought the NHS was starting a new initiative for better focus on woman’s health. This doctor lacks any empathy, one could wonder why she does the job, we as patients seem a nuisance to her

Written by a NHS patient at The Princess Royal University Hospital
6th May 2022

Whilst I was very impressed with the Day Surgery Unit at PRUH overall - every OTHER member of staff was amazing - I'm afraid to say that I found Miss Omar's attitude very poor indeed. I'm very happy for hospital to be "business like" (I work in an industry known to be challenging behaviour-wise, and am no "wallflower"), but Miss Omar was brusque, did not encourage questions at all, and was wholly dismissive during our short interaction. In the couple of minutes she spoke to me, she barked at me asking if wanted a coil fitted, like it was some simple decision to be made in a heartbeat (it had never been mentioned to me before), and when I said I'd need to think about it she huffed and said "well your GP can do it then!". I don't doubt that medically she does the right thing and may well be good at that, but her bedside manner leaves a LOT to be desired, and left me feeling upset, un-cared for and not listened to.


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Miss Kazal Omar
Consultant Gynaecologist
FRCOG,MBchB,CABOG, Ultrasound gynaecology
Gynaecology Oncology (cancer service)
Prolapse and Urogynecology( incontinent)
Minimal access surgery(all laparascopic+hysteroscopic)
Infertility and pre-assisted conception
Myomectomy and hysterectomy
Gynaecology ultrasound and early pregnancy scanning
menopause advise and management
Education, college Tutor, lead clinical lecturer for kings college medical school
Year of first Qualification
GMC , Reg, 4570455
01277 695 695
07904 305802
Fax; 01689 261 924, 01689 866055
Miss Rachel Martin ,
07904 305802
Anaesthetises worked with
Dr Agilan Kaliappan
Dr Shahid
Dr Charnaka
BMI; Dr Johns, Dr Turvey, Dr King, Dr Able
Alternate Friday; 14-18 hours
Extra clinic can be arranged upon request

Location; Brentwood Hospital
BMI hospitals
Chelsfield Park Hospital
Thursdays, 8.00 am-12.00 midday,01689877855
The Sloane Hospital
Wednesdays; 17.00-20.00, 0208 466400
Language’ ; English, Kurdish, Arabic
Current NHS post
Consultant Gynaecology and Obstetric
Kings college Trust, Princess Royal University Hospital, Denmark hill
Professional membership
General Medical Council
Royal College of Gynaecology and Obstetrics
British association of gynaecology Oncology
British association of Colposcopy and cervical screening
British association of ultrasound in gynaecology and early pregnancy complications
British association of Minimal Access Surgery
British association of Urogynecologist
British association of Family planning

Research interest
2 week wait post-menopausal bleeding and laparoscopic surgery for gynaecological cancer

Courses offered to GPs
A full range of talk titles of all afore mentioned specialities are available for GPs.

Miss Kazal Omar work with the following private medical insurance providers
Bupa on demand
AXA PPP Healthcare
AXA PPP International
Aviva health
CS Healthcare
Simply health
Exeter Family Friendly

Clinical interest (treatment, operation, tests)

Menstrual disorders and all their management
Post-menopausal bleeding and abnormal tumor markers
Peri menopausal and post-menopausal problems
Uterine and vaginal prolapse
Uterine fibroid (myomectomy, key hole and open surgery)
Urinary frequency and incontinence (minimal invasive surgery)
Surgical and medical management of miscarriage
Cervical smear and HPV test
Laparoscopic surgery for ectopic pregnancy
Hysteroscopy (diagnostic and operative)
Laparoscopy (diagnostic and all laparoscopic surgery)
Ovarian cyst (laparoscopic and open surgery including endometriosis)
Hysterectomy mean removal of uterus (full laparoscopic mean key hole, vaginal, abdominal)
Prolapse repair and reconstructive surgery for vulva and vagina
HRT advise
Advise, investigation and management for genetic Breast cancer
Prophylactic oophorectomy (removal of ovaries) in cases of BRCA gene positive.
Family planning advise and management
Infertility investigation and pre-IVF management

Post treatment communication
Following treatment of all patients, I will communicate with GPs in line with Department of health,GMC and appropriate professional bodies guidelines
In the event of urgent query following treatment, members should use the following contact details
Myself- through hospital where treatment received
My private secretary
My NHS secretary, 01689864897

Nearest Obstetricians and gynaecologists

Nearest Family planning and reproductive health care specialists